World Tournament and Techno Fest 2016

World Tournament and Techno Fest 2016 (WTTF)

Wold Tournament and Techno Fest in an even made by OSIS 32017 for 32018 and 32019. the event was held on August 20th, 2016.
   Because i have to study religion every Saturday. I Didn't attend the first half of the event. My friend told me that the games wew played at Tongkeng park, Photo Park, Music Park, and othe places. I didn't join them and i study religion at SMAN 3. After studying, we took a break at the bazzar. When me and my friend were taking a break everyone that join the first half WTTF took a break too. 
   After we taking a break, we went to Bangsal  to continue the event activities. Some of my classmates had gone to prepare makrab so our class wasn't complete. we have to talk in English in the event.
   The next game  was PES. One of my friend represented the class . Unfortunately, we lose, but it's okay we still had some game left. After that game , we went to the Lapangan Bali. 
   The next game was flappy bird, each class represented 10 player. My class win that game. 
   The next game was, we have to took the other's handkerchief to win the game. i joined in that game. I think there may some chaos with XI class, because they think that we played the game dishonest. But our class win this game.
   The last game was, 32018 and 32019 have to chase the alien for pieces of puzzles. But the aliens could throw a water baloons. It was fun, my class get 2 puzzles at that game.  
    After that game, we have to arranged the pieces of puzzle from all class of 32109. we have to compete 32018 at that game. Me and some students gathered around and started arranging the puzzle pieces and the others waited, not bother the us. 
    After we were done, we were told to gather for the announcement of the winner. the winner of the puzze was the 32019, we all very happy. Then, they announced the best class of 32018in WTTF. And the winner is XI Science 5. Then they announced the best class of 32019. I never thought if our class became the winner. We got a pizza because we won the was a very fun experience although, i just joined the second half. 


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Dewa Athena